Fish Nerd
Listen to the Podcast and your perception of fishing will never be the FN same again!

Your Host: Clay Groves
Thus, the podcast was born. The style has been described as a cross between NPR’s Car Talk and the Tonight Show Night (Fallon, not Leno) Throw in just a sprinkle of that smart guy people talk (think Neil deGrasse Tyson but with fish) and you’ve got the FN Formula for his success. With over 200+ episodes under his belt, he has lead the Podcast into top 10 Outdoor content on the Apple store on more than one occasion.
The Fish Nerds Podcast Correspondents
The show features several regular contributing nerds who are leaders in some aspect of the Fish Nerd Nation.

Doc Martin
Chief Science Nerd
“Working with students, institutions, and the public is my career and I absolutely adore it. I pursue a variety of extracurricular activities. I have created several brand new courses at my university, all of which are cross-disciplinary (mostly biology, physics, analytical chemistry, and statistics). I am active in community outreach, where I volunteer teach K-12 students at the Children’s Museum. I believe science can be understood and enjoyed by everyone. Thus, another one of my current projects is an adapted general biology laboratory manual for students with severe visual impairments. I am actively learning Swedish. My grandparents immigrated from Sweden as young people, and my mother is a first-generation American. I love to read books! I prefer non-fiction science, biographies/autobiographies history, philosophy, and politics. If I read fiction, then I prefer dystopian and dark novels. I play the guitar. I was actually in a professional drum corps when I was 17 playing lead trumpet and struggled with the decision to major in science or music when I began college. I taught myself how to play guitar when I was finishing graduate school and love it. I love to do parodies about science for the Fish Nerds Podcast and occasionally play at local informal venues. Though, I did play at the House of Blues in New Orleans once! My biology expertise is in ecosystem dynamics, conservation, ontogenetics, and studying how aquatic organisms, habitat, and nutrients interact across various levels of diversity. My physics expertise is in cosmology, as well as atomic, molecular, and stellar emission spectroscopy, studying how quantum-level processes influence astronomical properties. I also enjoy conducting and collaborating on research projects across disciplines that require scientific data analysis using program R, of which I am proficient as long as I can occasionally use certain four letter words (ha!). I live in a tiny cabin in the woods. I have the coolest dog and cat to hang out with. The cat doesn’t really like me, but my dog and I run a 5k every Saturday. I am super into recycling, reducing waste, gardening, and eating sustainably. But most of all, I’m happy to be a Nerd!”
Thanks, Doc. You Rock!

Rich Collins
Fly Fishing Correspondent and slayer of #Collinsperch
“My thumb ring gives me the power to target the smallest of fish, the absolute non-preferred target species, and the ability to serve as a banana on any boat, period. You do not want to fish with me unless you dislike catching fish.”
Rich enjoys his two dogs, Scout and Cassie, a little too much and blames them for scaring away all the big fish, and he generally only speaks in sarcasm/wise-ass. Check out his adventures on under his handle @. Or contact him via any of the channels below. He devoted many long hours of his talents developing this amazing website, so please donate to Patreon so Clay can start paying him as he needs some more gear to catch fewer, smaller, non-target species.

Jeff Dannaldson
Book Readin' Tenkara Loving Fish Nerd
“My family owns a cabin on Lake of the Ozarks, so I grew up fishing, starting with the classic “’stick with 20 lb mono tied to the end, a bobber, and a hook with a minnow, worm or cricket on it’ combo. I enjoy all kinds of hook and line fishing, from soaking bait for catfish to tenkara fishing for trout. I’ve even been bitten by the micro-fishing bug. You know you’re a Fish Nerd when other people around you are fishing for trout and you’re stalking minnows and sculpins!”
Jeff serves as our FN Librarian and bookworm, managing the FN Book Club and contributing to the podcast using real facts from real people from real books. He is particularly interested in Japanese fixed line fishing methods like tenkara and keiryu and the techniques developed around them. On his website: OZARK TENKARA, Jeff seeks to bring the simple and effective fixed-line fishing methods of Japan to this region with it’s wild trout streams and natural beauty. Podcasting is a natural next step for this book lover as a way to share his passion for information.

Crappie Hippie
Flyover State Correspondent and Lead Free Lure Pioneer

Hugo Medeiros
Culinary Nerd
For the last three years, Hugo has focused on kayak fishing in both fresh and salt water and with a particular love of New England groundfish such as fluke, black sea bass, and tautog. Check out his segments with the Fish Nerds “Killing Time and Fish with Hugo Medeiros.”

Luke Chamings
Lure making Aussie Nerd who has not yet been killed by wild beasts. Minimalist Biographer.

Andrew Lewin
Conservation Nerd, Ocean Lover

Michael Frank
FN Guide Correspondent

James Frank
FN West Correspondent
James bought a boat a couple of years ago, and he’s regretted it ever since.
“Maybe the kids will become outboard mechanics instead of expecting me to pay for college. Shit. I hope so. I really, really hope so.”

Tim Bete
Fish Nerds Storyteller & Lure Love segment co-host
Tim Bete (pronounced “beet”) began his fishing adventures in western Massachusetts and Cape Cod but now resides in Ohio. When he was young, Tim considered becoming a fishing guide as a career until he realized it would involve talking to clients.
Tim set the World record for the longest Mad Lib, which as a Fish Nerd was appropriately based on the book Moby Dick. Tim is well aware that a whale is not a fish but when he created the Mad Lib, the book Old Man and the Sea was not in the public domain and nothing spoils a day of fishing more than an intellectual property lawsuit—so Tim settled for a whale. (Old Man and the Sea features a large marlin, which is a fish. A small marlin is also a fish.)
Tim is the author of four books, including . The book includes sage advice such as how to get gum or a giant octopus out of your child’s hair and how to convert your minivan into a pirate schooner. In addition to his books, Tim’s writing has also appeared in Tenkara Angler magazine, the Christian Science Monitor, Chicken Soup for the Soul anthologies, and several regional magazines. He has been quoted as a humor expert (as if there is such a thing) in USA Today, BBC radio and the Associated Press. He is also creator of the Tenkara Ted Comic Strip, which follows one fish nerd’s obsession with fishing.
When he’s not fishing, Tim’s hobbies include pushing his luck and skating on thin ice—although he prefers fishing on thin ice to skating on it.

The Pond Lady
"The Pond Lady"
I was born and raised in Oklahoma and grew up fishing with my Dad and Grandfather. As a kid our family vacations usually involved going camping at lakes or rivers, so my love of water started early. When I saw my first fish hatchery at the Roaring River in Missouri, something just clicked, I had to get into aquaculture or fisheries management as a career! The desire to investigate and understand fish behavior, how it all worked, became an obsession. During my undergraduate studies in biology, our fisheries program emphasized getting students in the field and teaching us how to use sampling gear, like nets and electrofishing. This, in many ways, ruined my desire for traditional angling but created a passion for studying dynamic aquatic systems. Before going on to pursue a master’s degree in Zoology, I landed an internship with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC), working with paddlefish and striped bass in northeastern Oklahoma. My graduate research investigated the link between behavior and uptake of toxins in aquatic organisms, which showed me just how complicated human impacts on these systems can be. After finishing my master’s, the ODWC hired me as a Fisheries Technician at the Durant State Fish Hatchery, a pond culture facility that produces largemouth bass (Florida strain) to stock state lakes. After six years with the department, a pattern emerged…private landowners in Oklahoma needed help managing their ponds. Oklahoma is over 95% privately owned and has more shoreline (pond, lake, and river) than any other state. Because of the overwhelming need for competent scientists to study and manage private waters, I decided to leave the department to join my husband’s already established business, Robison Wildlife Solutions. Prior to my joining the company, the business model was focused on providing nuisance wildlife removal and land management plans for terrestrial wildlife. After bringing my aquatic expertise to the business, I became “The Pond Lady” and dedicated my life to provide scientifically-sound, sustainable management strategies for aquatic ecosystems!